Monday, November 30, 2009

Teaching Tolerance....

I know this is not about Autism, but it is the same idea of learning tolerance, it is very close to my heart how people are treated because of there challenges. I wish we all could step back and just be alittle kinder to all, I know that will not totally happen but we can all try a little harder too.....I am going to attach these links please feel free to have a look......
Speaking on Tolerance:
Speaking on what makes you tic:
and here is the Marc's homepage:

He just touch a very soft spot in my heart

Monday, November 23, 2009

Things I do for "Fun"

Those that dont know I started a blog for the cakes I have made have a look and let me know what you think


Friday, November 13, 2009

Take my hand

This really touched my heart, I have been through a ton latley, but this emergancy gall bladder surgery, took me for a loop I knew I was sick, but I guess I didnt know how sick, I have kept up with my life to a point but not as much as I need too....He is there to guide us along during those rough moments.


Take my hand and follow me,

There are things ahead for you to see.

Little wonders are all around,

And tender mercies to be found.

We’ll take our time, no need to run,

Breathe deep the air and feel the sun.

The grass is soft beneath our feet,

Sounds are soothing, the air is sweet.

Sometimes we’ll stop and just be still,

Our hearts will tell us God is real!

Small graces along our path appear,

They let us know that Heaven’s near.

So take my hand anew each day,

The walk is lovely and I know the way.

Greg Olsen -2008