Sunday, April 20, 2008

two for the day!

Before going outside!

so David took the boys out to play and Sara wanted to go for a bit but that did not last long and this is why

Otherwise the snow is coming down really hard here and the wind is getting worse.....but the boys had so much fun! so here is there fun afternoon with there day

the watching of the boys playing!

Sara and I did a couple videos of the boys from inside where it was warm!

David should learn to be more careful with these kids :) but lucky they enjoy the snow which makes this so much fun....

I so love my kids and my husband, it is fun to watch them play and grow together, I am going to enjoy watching David learn different things well I am working nights, I know the first bit will be tough for all but I know this is something I need to do so I can truly learn to enjoy my life again, I spend alot of time working and focusing on my kids that I have forgot about me! and I need to remember me and send sometime on me every once in awhile!

1 comment:

LindsayB said...

looks like you are having way more fun than i am with this snow! so hard to go back to this weather! what did you do to your back? hope everything else is ok.