Friday, May 30, 2008

magic tea party!

Today Dallin had a magic tea party at school and these are some of the pictures he took for the most part and a few are mine! It is so nice to watch how much he has grown in the last 2 years with this class room, he is a totally different child and it is so awsome to watch!

We had tea and chesse whiz sandwiches, and those that know me know this small chesse sandwich was alot for me to eat, I dislike chesse whiz in a HUGE way!

We had a play/ story telling for us by the kids and Heather and they had so much fun, it was alot for some of these kids to do this. Fun to watch I know even a few months ago Dallin would have struggled to do this so it is fun.
And then we had a race, they were suppose to do this outside but it was not so nice outside so they just did a short run in the class......

Katy is our early ed teacher, she is a sweet amazing person that I have so enjoyed getting to work with, 2 yrs with the same teacher is awsome, sure we have are days were we probably drive each other crazy but really what relationship does not have those ups and downs! I know that Dallin trully loves her and when he realizes that his last day is in a week he is going to be really sad and it will really hit next year when he starts school again that she will not be there. I am sure next week I will shed more tears then anyone else, as I know without this school and program my kids would be totally different childern today!
Jen the most amazing TA, I never seen someone who appers happy everyday all day! Dallin just loves her!

Heather is Dallin's speech path, we have worked with her for 2 years now, Dallin has really enjoyed his time with her and has enjoyed learning new things with her!

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