Friday, March 12, 2010

I am sorry if I have offended you!

Lately, it seems that I have offended people so easily, that is not my purpose in life…..I love the people that are in my life. I need them, the support is important. I am sorry if you feel I have!

Know that I don’t always think about what people will think when it comes to my comments or my feelings, I do try but please know I am human and a lot on my plate some days I need to vent.

I know I personally have let me offend me and it was dumb thing to do, because they didn’t even know as I have never said anything! That is a downfall of mine I walk away most days too easily, I should stand up more but at that same point will it matter in the long run?

I DO love my life! It is so important to me, I love my family and I know this is the path we are suppose to be on and things are getting easier all the time as I get myself more organized and in control of what is going on(then I will get another curve ball) but I am honestly and truly in love with my life! I know my ramblings don’t always prove that….but I do, and I am glad the our Heavenly Father trusted me to have this life and these trials at this point in my life, I know someone I am being a true example to others!

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