Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas time at the hotel

This year because we thought David;s family was going to be away we planned to be away....we went to a hotel for christmas eve till christmas this was so much fun, the kids loved it and we are planned it again for next year!

the best christmas gift

This has been the best Christmas so far for relaxing and no stress......Last night we went and stayed at a hotel, and Santa even came to the hotel…..we woke up about 8am, and then we opened all our

presents 1 at a time, the kids were so excited but it was enough that by the time they were super excited we were done, no one stopped wanting to open gifts. Our Santa’s did a great job they have kept everyone happy. It is hard when Santa didn’t know the kids really because Dallin looked at us a couple times like….I will never play with this but I know with time he will. He is just not our typical little boy but otherwise all was happy. After presents were done we went swimming……that I think was the best part of the morning….oh well we have dinner coming soon….thank you too our many Santa’s.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

a update......of us!

Being a mom some days is a lot harder than I ever thought it would be, I love my life but I really want and need a holiday more than others I think sometimes. (As Joshua fall’s and hits his head well I am typing)

Homeschooling has been good, I am slowly starting to figure it out more, figuring out how he learns and how I teach and how I learn to learn how to teach, so many elements to that one. This was never my total dream but at the same point I would not see it any other way now. Dallin is learning and changing so much, we are starting to deal with different things some better some worse but age does that too…..some of the things we are dealing with is Anxiety and that is a hard one, because with out the language and the skills to tell you what is wrong it makes it even tougher….and his need to visual aids are become more. He is a GREAT kid and I love him so much just different challenges add to the different things.

Joshua is doing Amazing at Providence, he is getting a TON of speech help…not as much social as he needs but we are slowly trying to find him something to add to the part, so he is getting more social church helps but we think he still needs more winter is just a hard time to get going.

Sara, my princess…..she is doing well at driving me nuts….her speech is coming along really good, this is still a lot that needs help but slow and steady wins the race right? Otherwise she is doing great, loves being included, loves he brothers and loves her parents, she just amazes me daily with the things she does and wants to do!

I am emotionally coming along, day by day, I work to much with superstore and try to do a lot at home too, home schooling takes a lot of planning and energy to do it right. I am hoping soon that David will be off WCB and feeling better but I think that is still along road away, we are starting to take more “Alternative” ways of looking at his health, but with that because it is not covered we are back to still needing me to work so it is just finding that balance through it all, and to some how work it so I am not burning out through it all which hard. I know we are not given more than we can handle but there are sure days when I feel like I am being held at the edge of my mountain. I know God is there and he is truly helping me to live through this all and be blessed but that still does not always make it easy…..I know we love each other and that is what helps us get through these rough spots, if we didn’t it would be more hell than it is. We are learning to depend on each other a lot more, and balance through our lives so we are not depending on others as much because it is a lot on our families at times, we are thankful when they do help but grateful when we can do it on our own too, it means that we have learned a little more coping skills a bit at a time. I am looking on the side to make some money from home so that I can be home more for my kids and for my sanity! I guess this is all for now, I will try to update the photos and more about the kids soon

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas part 1 ish

This has been a tough Christmas season for us, this year I took a HUGE step back, I let David be in charge of Christmas get together and all of that, At first it was just going to be my side of the family around really as David's family was suppose to be moving to Smither, B.C. So we thought it would be cool to go away for Christmas day at least so that we could have a small break from our craziness we call life.

We then learned that David’s family would not be gone for Christmas it became the balance of all the family stuff and our time again, I know we have not done this all right, because there is more than one set of parents saying so..But because I have sat so far back and let David deal with it, it has been even harder because I know most people are like WHAT is David’s plan, it is scary. But he needs it this year, things are still not going well with him, he is still working only his 6hrs a day but he comes home tired and not wanting to deal with anyone including us and by sat he just wants to sleep and do nothing at all. Which is making this Christmas so much fun....NOT!

Why does he want to just to do quiet stuff, because the rest hurts him and he doesn’t know how to say that right. I wish I could explain it totally, but I think for David simple is still the only way right now. Neither of us is trying to be rude about it just trying to find the balance in our lives.

And it is hard for our kids as well....Christmas is a hard time of year, there is so much extra simulation and we want them to be calm, is that not a funny concept. And with Dallin struggling with anxiety issues we are trying to be more careful then previous years too. All I want for them this year is to have fun we have kept Christmas simple on our part a couple gifts for each child, and well Santa came last night to our house….which the kids are so excited about but really I think they would be truly happy with one thing, they just like the joy that comes with presents….

Anyways, now that I rambled and probably have not made much sense…..We are not trying to hide totally from everyone this year just still a lot going on, and have still not get back to normal after my surgery that is truly months of figuring it all out all over again.

We do love our extended families, they mean a lot and do help us as we need which is so important in our lives.