Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Heights Support group email!

okay I just need to put this some where to vent my anger this is support to be a group that new heights set up for the parents to have a support group! so I sent this email out to every one.....

Hello All,
does anyone know the email address to Bob on the board? or a phone number?

Is there any other ECS parents on here that take the bus? just wondering if anyone else got a bill for busing as with PUF funding I was told this is covered, I am going to call Alberta ed on Monday to find out for sure because I was never told of the fee when we started school in Sept. because I would never put my kids on the bus because in Edmonton we are payed $7 a day to take are kids to school with PUF so I am a little confused and a bit angry today, so anyone that can help with some info for me would be great
Thank you Christine

First reply:
Hi Christine,
I don't put Tristan on the bus, but your transport fees should be covered under PUF - as I was told I will get a credit at the end of the year for the mileage of me driving him.
Hope this helps...

yes helpful put still not the total answer I needed, after I got this reply I did get a call from Rick who is now the "director" as they got rid of the last one....say so I hear you are mad, I then explained why and he did understand and we worked out that I would not pay for the bus the rest of the year as he could not prove that I got the letter they sent out or not, and I was like I never get a letter ever saying I would have to pay......but now I am feeling the pressure of you are costing us money....I am just not sure how to feel David says we use it till the end of the year because we are not paying for it but I am seeing many more issues involved with this I am still trying to play that out in my mind..... then this morning that was all yesterday..... I get this second response......

Hi Christine,

I see that you have some concerns about the busing for your little guy. Sorry for your upsetting day! I've been with the school for awhile now and it's had its ups and downs and right now with the changes that have been made we're on a huge up!

The protocol for a problem anyone has with the school is to first talk to the teacher, then the principal, then the board. Phoning Alberta Ed just gets everything in a muddle and puts more work on our staff.

My advice is for you to calm down and call the school in the morning, bearing in mind that they have a week off for a well deserved break, and may not answer the phone.

Also bear in mind that you are extremely fortunate to have your child in a school such as New Heights, free busing or not.


Cindy (parent of a child in the Senior class)

So the person I am is a little.........frustrated at this I replayed back with this......

Cindy and Brenda,
Thank you for your comments, I know this was not the right place to explode, I have since talk to Rick and have worked things out, but let me just explain a bit of why I was so mad, there was no letter in there saying why this bill and I was told in Sept busing was covered, so that was part of it and the other part is when you get a bill like that and your husband has not worked for the last 6 months and is on WCB that puts a huge weight on you because I am already working just to make up the difference.
I do have 3 kids under 5 and 2 with special needs so there is a ton of stress in our lives right now.

I think alot of us have been given different information over the year and that is the frustration because no parent knows if what they know is right or not. I am starting to see a good change here at New Heights but this was still frustrating and the only reason I put it on here was to try and understand if anyone had this problem, especially with the spring break I would not see any parents, it was not done to get everyone upset. I am sorry, I miss understood maybe the point to this group, I thought it was to try and be a support group and help connect parents that don't get to see each other and be able to work together.

I guess the hard part is I came to Calgary for more family support I left what I call an amazing system in Edmonton, where the kids are public kids and get amazing services and I am just learning here still, so again I am sorry I have upset people but I have since talked with Rick and things will be okay. Communication is a HUGE part of Success.

See what comes from this, I am not sure if I will be at this school next year either way as I really don't feel as a parent I am being heard or respected......on many levels so we will see....I may go back to the whole home schooling answer.....anyways this was just because I am not sure how to approach this right now as this is becoming more personal by the day for me, and it has only been a couple days.

Well at least i have not out cast everyone....

Hi Christine,

Don't feel bad... nobody is upset. After hearing your issues I totally understand your stress and I would be wanting to sort it out asap too if it was me. I feel your stress too, just having one ASD kid is enough to send me over the edge so I can appreciate moms who have to handle's certainly not easy!!!
Interesting what you said about Edmonton. Anyway, I think things are on the up for New Heights too.

If you ever need someone to talk to I am open and I am free most afternoons while the boys are in class.



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