..we all fall down, it is the getting back up that really counts. We all live and we all learn to help someone up when it is there turn! In life there is only one guarantee.....your feet won't always be on the ground, as we all fall down sometimes!
So life is has been totally emotionally draining at times, I wish I could say things are getting better, but I can't truly say that......we have gone through a bunch of doctors again and a MRI and yet not to many more answers than we had before, the neurologist says everything should be fine, as the MRI came back clean at this time so they they are wondering about a rebound problem so they are slowly taking him off his migraine pills to see if that helps so far all it has helped is the anger part because he is in pain all the time so is happy? well honestly would anyone be happy when they are in pain all the time? so now they are looking at trying some depression meds to see if that helps and a few other options to try and get him back on track, it is so hard for him. almost 8 months now is along time to not be feeling well.
Also now WCB is sending him back to the CNS to do vocational rehabilitation see how that goes as WCB wants him to be doing something instead of nothing if he can, so here goes the next part of the game........I hope we can figure something out because sadly this wife is burning out a bit right now....Trying to be supporting but it is hard some days, some days I feel like I am caring the whole weight of the world on my shoulders between trying to keep the kids stuff organized between therapy and school and then keeping David's stuff organized and then working part time and trying to find me time, and this week I have decided to teach myself to run.....I am trying to work on my lack of energy, and falling into depression......see how I do......wish me luck!
Sorry things aren't getting any better yet. Hang in there. Good luck with the running, I am sure it will be a great out for you.
Hang in there. You certainly do sound like you have the weight on your shoulders. Running is a GREAT thing to try. Especially now. IT truly does help with one's emotional and mental health! Keep me posted!
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