Monday, July 18, 2011

i am alive

I know some of you might not know it is true but i am still alive, it has been a hard couple months but I am doing AMAZING! currently my mark in my English class is at a 69.3% which is GREAT as I only need a 65% to get into my program...only my English Patient final on Tues(tomorrow) and then a week from that I write my street car named desire final and then Thursday the 28th I write my final for the program...I am scared and nervous all at the same time, I know I can do this but it is been one of my hardest trails. my mom has come up for the month to help me and yes that has been a blessing and a struggle all at the same time, I love my mom but we live in 2 very different worlds, but I am so grateful for the help.

I am still not divorced, and as much as I want it tomorrow, I know when the time is right it will all happen. Some days are harder than others but I truly expect that because I did put so much of my time and energy into my marriage and now it is gone. but in the same breath I am glad for the second chance in life.

The kids are doing well....I will try to update a bit more a little later

Thinking of you all and missing being here day life will be a little less crazy!

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