Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring Break.....and a new swing

I really want to know why they call spring break a break, it is more work then ever to have your kids home and trying to keep everyone happy and the fighting down to a min. But for the over all it was a good week the boys were happy with the swing that Bonnie there PT at school lent us for the week, they have got great use out of it and I can tell it has made a huge difference to have some change, I think it is cause they are so use to there gym at school changing all the time so I am on the look out for another good swing idea.....or something cool to hang that would help as a camling tool, as ways this is what the basment looked like this week!

(the tote is actually a rice bin to play in I think next it will be sand!)

I know my kids are a blessing they add so much to my life! and they are helping me to see the things that are the most important in life!

I have also added a video of them in the basment as it is kinda fun to watch them go around at times.

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