Thursday, February 7, 2008

I am struggling to keep up.....

Yes, this driving thing makes it hard to keep up to my life, as someone said to me you are a stay at home mom you must have a lot of time during the day........I am almost died laughing......I call myself the van mom or the apt mom cause those are the 2 things I do more than being home, I finally even have someone to do deep cleaning for me because I never am home, I am in the van by normally 8 in the morning and some days I am lucky to come home at lunch and stay home and maybe if lucky my kids will nap or have quiet time and then other days I am driving Dallin to his in-home therapy that is ummmmmmm not in his home at the company office and so I drop him there and then come home for about 2 hrs and then go back and get him and then depending in the day I go get David from work but that means we sit and wait anywhere from 30mins to a hour till he is done and then come home but that is still 6ish as it takes almost a hr during rush hour unless there is a accident and then we you guessed it, it is even that is a little of my life......I do love it but it does take alot out of me most weeks, I can't wait for June to be here in a large way but then I have to worry about what am I going to do for summer that is a whole nother subject! Oh well only 139 day till the last day of school!

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