Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 3-Your siblings and parents

Day 3-Your siblings and parents
(the last time we were all together for a photo was our wedding in 2002)

I honestly wish I could say we were all closer.

I have two bothers both younger,

Jeremy is probably the brother I have always looked up to and been the closet too being that we are only 18months apart we did alot together we went to school and he was always just a year behind my and the teachers always would say why are you not more like your brother? but he got why are you not like your sister?
He was super smart without studying or trying in class and got AWSOME grade
I studied my butt off and either just past or failed....
always been one of those things.....some days I would still like his care free days being single and playing! but I wonder some days if he wouldn't want my life deep down and just says nothing!

Matthew is the baby and now he has his wife and kids too....

I don't have a up to date one as of yet.....I will look, Matthew and I have always just been there, I do remember doing more for him as a kid but now that we are older we do a few things together a year but sadly that is about it.....maybe one days as we get older we will get along better, but they have 2 boys and he married a girl named Christine too......actually she is me....we have the same first and middle and not she has my maiden name that I dropped!

my Mom and Dad....
over the years they have done the best they can.....I know I was not the easiest kid to raise but they tired.

My my Hero 

 he is a man that did not get much schooling in his life but has tried to help raise his family the best he can, sure there are many things he could have done different but he TRIED and that is the most important thing!

My Mon is my other Hero
She has been through alot in life too but has tried the best she knew to be a GREAT mom.....we have NOT always seen eye to eye but that is okay makes us who we are....

The hardest day in my life was when my parents separated and then the second hardest days was when I was told is was almost final....I found out 10mins after I had been married that in 10days it would be final....I wish I didn't find out that way but I cant take that back, it has made me work a heck of alot harder at my marriage and not do the things I saw that made there marriage fall apart. They are both amazing people, just on different paths right now.

My Mom has since remarried Charlie and she loves him dearly....
He is not my Dad and it has taken me along time to adjust to him, but I am slowly learning to let him into our world a bit more all the time, he is a good guy but for anyone and I think a adult it is even harder to let someone in to a spot that was always someone Else's!

And then the other side.....not that they are not important too....
I got another set of parents that most days, I love dearly(I cant say every day because then I would be lying) and a Sister in Law...
and a set of Grandparents (so my kids have great grandparents)

this is all of last year at thanksgiving in Kimberly, Bc

if one thing this family has taught me is the BC is BEAUTIFUL.....I LOVE IT!

There is many other things they have taught me, my mom in law has taught me alot about baking and the joys that come from it which I some how missed a a youth....

This in my family.....most days I do love them all.....
I take them for what they are all of them!


1 comment:

Lynn said...

I've just got caught up. I've truly enjoyed reading your 15-day challenge posts. Been a long time since I've seen any of your family other than your dad. Thanks for sharing the pics and updates!