Tuesday, December 30, 2008

who knew 500 balls could be so fun!

okay really we already close to 500 balls in the ball pit, but now we add another 500 and a new pool as the last one broke after a year of use! the kids are totally loving it today which is nice, I love to see them so happy here is a few pictures of them!

Friday, December 26, 2008

part 5 Christmas Day! and 200 post!

All I can say is WOW this was a great moment, I did peek at a few of the kids, but David and I left our Christmas presents from the Santa totally untouch, and for those of you that know me a week with gifts with my name on it and not opening them was amazing!

The kids were super happy, everything was WOW mom look at this Santa totally is Awsome! and we made sure they knew that mommy and daddy could not have done this themselves, with tears our eyes we know that we have been taken careful to more then we expected. Everyone was so happy and excited with what they got!

I have tryed to take a pictured of the stuff we got from our Santa Claus

i will add more later ran out time before the next dinner

Thursday, December 25, 2008

part 4 Christmas Eve!

It is kinda hard to see but this tree is filled full underneath, there is maybe 2 for each child under there from us, Santa and Heavenly Father made sure this was a GREAT year!

Monday, December 22, 2008

just left on our doorstep

these flowers are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing! they were just left on our doorstep monday night well no one was home, good thing they did not frezze! I have been trying to totally just enjoy them and stop thinking about who would have dropped these off as they are the most amazing flowers!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

part 3 to our christmas story!

Part 1 to this story: http://themousirfamily.blogspot.com/2008/11/phone-call.html

Part 2 to this story: http://themousirfamily.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html

Part 3 to this story:

Today Was the day the dropped of the stuff for Christmas for our family, and both David and I stood in shocked, unsure what to think........they dropped of 7 large boxes for our family, at first we opened one box to see and they we wrapped presents! so we just left them siting in our door way for a few days unsure where to put all of this as if we put it under the tree we would have open stuff before Christmas morning, We did also look in our socks (yes they made socks too for everyone) they had envelopes with our names on them so in our moment of badness we opened them early to find gift cards to a few spots but the most important one was our gift cards to co-op!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

to do or not to do?

to do or not to do, I have been thinking again about getting Sara's ears pierced I know people say it is better as a baby but has anyone done it when they are 2.5? she would cry for a minute and then I am sure she would love them as we got ready fro family pictures tonight she sat and watched me get ready and would not leave, and as David watched this he was like NO make up for her she is too young, and then she wanted to be like mommy with my boots so she put on boots that are really to small for her, it makes me laugh but at the same point my baby is growing up so much!

Stayed tune depending if I am good or not I could have the family photos back tomorrow or monday I am so excited, I am totally doing superstore again it was fun! just hope the pictures turn out just as good.

Family photos 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Classroom Photo's

These pictures made me laugh so much, Joshua's class is so busy I am suprised they got them all sitting there and the boy Joshua has his arm around is like his best friend, though he does love all his friends.
Dallin's class is another one that makes me laugh, with Dallin being the only one that smiles really this add more to the classroom picture.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

the week before christmas

Well this week before christmas bishop and the Reilef Society pres asked us how are christmas was going to look and at this point I still had no idea because we had not heard back and so I told them both who was involed and that I would try finding out!

---the next morning we did find out that YES they had picked our family, with Aid's in my home I took a min in my room to say a small prayer of thank-you to my heavenly fahter for making our christmas better than we could imagin, even if we got help with dinner that would be great so we will see next week.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

thoughts on my mind!

As I layed awake last night after having a late night conversation I wondered where this world is going, first we get to find out if there is anything wrong with our unborn child through ultrasounds, and then if we are not happy with the answer we can just say I am done with this one, now don't get me wrong there are many good reasons to find things out but at that same point are we allowing people to choose the things God thinks we need in this world. I do not agree with the numbers of 91-95% that abort a pregnancy after hearing that there baby might have Down syndrome it is really sad too me.
Or how many people ask my why I have had more kids after having one child with Autism, did you know most people don't find out about Autism till they are 2.5 or 3 yrs old well anyone that can do the math I had a 6 week old baby when I found out with out first, would that stop me from having another child if I felt that was the right thing, with my husband and the Lord NO! I would still have another child. There are many things out there that yes are hard to deal with but we are given the strength through prayer to deal with the problems that are faced in front of us. I know we must all make our own choices but I think we all need to step back and look at the advancements in the world and look at the facts that many people would take a chance on anything.
I have a friend that I miss dearly that is going through a rough time in Edmonton, she was so afraid to have another child after her 2 girls they were getting older, and she really was not to found of the newborn stage not that I would be either at this point, lack of sleep is hard on us all, after many ultrasounds they have learn that there little girl is a T18 baby which is super sad, because if this little baby does make it too birth there is not record of a long life. But listening to them on there blog, the faith the are showing is amazing, I hope I could be that good if the challenge was placed in front of me, they have been asked if they wanted to end the pregnancy and they have said no! That is a tone of faith right there.
But on the flip side when things don't go right we need to show a little more compassion, A girl I Visit taught in our last ward was 8 months pregnant and lost the baby as he had his cord wrapped around his neck, again this is a trial I thankful I have not be through as you would have to be strong and know Heavenly Fathers plan, and as I listened to someone say well she should be back at church and not hiding, I was angered because we don't know truly how this sister is doing, maybe she needs lot of love and people coming to see her, this would be a super tough thing to go through and I hope that family finds the peace they need in this time. I think we all need to be grateful for our trails but be willing to serve our heavenly father and help people who need that extra support and not question everything they do. We all have the spirit of understanding we just need to learn how to use it a little better.

I know things like that can be a tough subject but I think we truly need to be grateful for the things we have been given and thank the Lord everyday for the strength he has allowed us.

Friday, December 12, 2008

school photo's are here!

So school photos are here now we much choose which one we love! they are all great in my mind!

my boys are growing up so quick, I love that this guy was able to get the true personalities of the boys, I love to see there smile and to look in there eyes there is so much info in there eyes!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

the reports of Sara's last visit

some days I think we all get tired of hearing the negative in life, today I got the report from Sara seeing the Glenrose a couple months back, I truly thought it went well, I truly thought she was soooooooooooooooo different from the boys and doing so well, I guess she is but not as well as what I think would be well.

Gross Motor skills are within a below average range for her age.
Visual reception skills fall within an average range for her age.
Fine motor skills are within a below average range for her age.
language comprehension falls within a below average for her age.
expressive language skills are within the very low range for her age.
communication skills fall within a moderately low range for her age.
daily living skills fall within a moderately low range for her age.
socialization skills fall with a moderately low range for her age.
motor skill fall with a moderately low range for her age.

Sara is a quiet, mild-mannered girl who was most recently assessed at 25 months of age as part of the infant sibling study at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital. During this assessment, Sara demonstrated some shared enjoyment with the examiners, and engaged in some spontaneous pretend play. developmentally, in areas of gross motor, fine motor and receptive language, Sara is preforming within a below average age range while her visual reception skills are similar to other toddlers of the same age. Sara's expressive language skill however, fall within a very low range for her age. Christine acknowledged that she does not feel Sara's language development has been progressing steadily and expressed an interest in specking Wendy Mitchell, a speech-language pathologist from the autism research center about possible speech and language services for Sara could qualify for. In general, Sara's performance is consistent with the parental reports given about her functioning at home and within the community. We look forward to continuing to monitor Sara's progress in these areas and are interested in having the opportunity to see her again at 30 months of age.

at this point I am totally not sure how to feel, I shed a few tears but I am sure there is more to come as really in my mind I thought she was doing well except for speech so this a bit of blow, not sure why I like to get news like this so close to Christmas, 3 years in row gets tough!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I love the snow!

Today as Joshua was sick for the second day we choose to stay home from church with the snow and the sick kids it is just not that much fun, and really as much as I don't want to admit it I am a little burnt out right now with all the stress so I have enjoyed staying in bed a little longer on the weekends to make up for the lack of sleep during the week, I need to learn how to go to bed a little earlier and leave somethings for tomorrow as the world will not come to a end if it is not done and the aids and therapists that come will not judge me if one day is cleaner than another! but that is something I need to learn more!

As a child I use to hate winter, and I am still not a total fan of it but let me tell you after 4 yrs in Edmonton where the snow comes and stays and it is SUPER cold alot of the time, I LOVE WINTER this year especially back in Calgary where is can be a high plus and a high low all in one day. But I think the best part is watching my kids as the love it so much, Dallin today was the hero in the snow as Joshua was sick and Sara was sleeping but I am trying to look at the same things and see the love and when you do that you can see so much.

Today he wanted to learn how to build a BIG snowman but David could not get the snow to stay together right and his response was go get the glue!

Dallin eating his snow cone.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dr.Lever visit!

The follow up of med's went good, Joshua did amazing considering it was he 3 dr's apt in 3 days!

MRI follow up went well, the spot on his back they saw nothing and the head they said looked good so far too so just to follow up with the sleep clinic and the eye clinic, this poor child one day I hope things will slow down for him, I feel bad for him going through all of these tests.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ENT visit

Today was our ENT (ear nose and throat) visit it went great at first Joshua was like no way am I setting on the table but once I told the doctor that he had his MRI the day for he was like oh cool we can go look at things so Joshua got to look at his head which he thought was awsome!
so the answer was lets get the nose bleeds down and then we will look at the other options as he does have enlarged adenoids but he is not totally worried so we are just waiting to see!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Joshua's MRI

Today was Joshua's first MRI they want to look at his spin and they also want to look at the head to see if they could see anything going on there, as his back has a mark and with all the stuff going on the want to see if this would give any insite I/we really hope we can find somethings out.

this is the cool celing in the catifera at the childern's hospital

This is the sign I looked at for a very very long time, They said he did well but it took him a extra 30mins to wake up, so hopefully he does not have the same allergy I have!

this is the cow Joshua thought was cool so we took a picture on the way out of the hospital

this was joshua just before getting in the van he was still very very tired.