Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Dallin's home visit for his IPP

Today we met with Katy Dallin's teacher to review his IPP (individual program plan) I always love this time, cause it lets me see if I am on the same page as the school, cause it means that they are seeing some of the same things I am seeing at home...anyways here is Dallin's till the review in Feb...

Goal #1
Dallin will improve his communication skills....
1. Dallin will respond to "wh" questions during circle or other structured activities with visual supports (they won't normally use why as it is a complex question)
2. Dallin will follow 2 step directions during structured activites twice a week with visual supports.

Dallin is showing more intrest in communicating with others. He will smile and use eye gaze and some words to attempt to engage others. Dallin is attempting to use more phrases when interating with others. He is frequently not understood by others and success is dependent upon adult interpertation. Dallin is learning how to repeat words, and phrases. He needs help to try again when not understood. He is able to follow to simple directions when on task and is beginning to respond to questions.

Goal #2
Dallin will improve his social play and Participation in classroon activities
1. Dallin will participate with a peer in a gym or center activity for 3 mins with adult support 4 out of 5 days a week.
2. Dallin will tolerate two transitions a day using visual supports and peer models

Dallin continues to improve his ability to participate. He struggles with rigidity at times and has difficulty making transitions. During these times Dallin requires time to clam down and problem solve. On days when Dallin is less rigid his ability to engage with adults and peers when not emotionally overwhelmed. This can happen when very upset or when extremely happy or excited.

I really feel they are close to seeing what we see, even if we are too move I really feel it is best for him to stay there till the end of the year. I know it is going to be hard and anytime I complain I may need a reminder that this school and worked wonders with out boys and helped make them the boys they are today and I am excited for that, cause only with true love do you learn and grow at this rate and I know they are being loved there a much or if not more some days then at home, don't get me wrong I do love my kids very very much but sometimes I get very very overwhlemed with the plate that has been places in front of me!

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