Monday, November 12, 2007

Joshua's IPP visit

Today Melissa came today to bring Joshua's report to us, this in really one of my favorite time of the years as it is like a report card to me, where the parents and the teachers make the game plan of what to work on for the year. so here is Joshua's report.....

Goal #1
Joshua will increase his communication skills.

1. Following an adult model, Joshua will imitate a world more clearly 3 out of 5 times during circle or snack time.
2. With prompting, Joshua will initiate requests during routine situations (e.g. at snack, getting help with shoes, during project) by using two words/signs on 3 out of 5 observations.
3. Joshua will follow two step directions (e.g. cut a piece and put on glue) during project time 3 out of 5 observations.

At circle time, within routine, Joshua will request a turn, following the routine response of "me" or "I do". during centre time, Joshua will offer a word or two to comment of request. Often his word is unclear, causing his message to be lost. He will repeat himself and then wait for the listener to comprehend.

Joshua benefits from the audlt prompt and model to follow directions at project time. He is able to follow one step instructions with adult support.

Goal #2
Joshua will increase his play skills.
1. Joshua will imitate or copy something new that an adult or peer introduces, then incorporate the idea into his play (e.g. adult makes/ serves pretend cookies, Joshua copies this) during dramatic play at centre time 3 out of 5 observations.
2. Joshua will initiate appropriate play with one peer using short phrase/ sign modeled by an adult, 3 out 5 observations during centre time.

During centre time, Joshua needs considerable help to get started in play or to engage in purposeful actions. He currently, may select an area to play, but his actions can apper aimless or disorganized.

Goal #3
Joshua will incease his self help skills with dressing.
1. Joshua will indepently grasp and maneuver both zippers and velcro to fasten and unfasten personal items, during transitions, 3 out of 5 obervations
2. Joshua will orient himself to put on his jacket independently at home time, 3 out of 5 attempts.

During self-help routines, Joshua will request help, prior to attempting the skills of maneuvering zippers and velcro ( on his back pack and shoes) He requires help putting on his coat as well.

I am so excited to watch him change and grow this year, he is a boy of great will and drive I hope he puts it too work and it slows him down a bit, as wow he is a ton of work for me most days!

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